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The Dream for Open Video (3:17) (Short Presentations)

Open Video is more than just open codecs — watch the film and find out. Also visit the web site http://openvideoconference.org/ for more information Language: English License: CC - Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives Genre: Viral Video Producer: Ryanne Hodson & Jay Dedman (...)

Joachim de Posada says, "Don’t eat the marshmallow yet." (6:02) (Short Presentations)

In this short talk from TED Talks, Joachim de Posada shares a landmark experiment on delayed gratification — and how it can predict future success. With priceless video of kids trying their hardest not to eat the marshmallow. Joachim de Posada is a speaker and motivational coach. (...)

Pete Alcorn on the world in 2200 (3:53) (Short Presentations)

In this short, optimistic talk from TED2009, Pete Alcorn shares a vision of the world of two centuries from now — when declining populations and growing opportunity prove Malthus was wrong.

Pete Alcorn is the head of podcasting for Apple, and a veteran of the paper-publishing industry.

Paul Debevec animates a photo-real digital face (6:06) (Short Presentations)

At TEDxUSC, computer graphics trailblazer Paul Debevec explains the scene-stealing technology behind Digital Emily, a digitally constructed human face so realistic it stands up to multiple takes.

Paul Debevec’s digital inventions have powered the breathtaking visual effects in films like The Matrix, Superman Returns, King Kong and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. (From TED.com)

Gever Tulley teaches life lessons through tinkering (4:08) (Short Presentations)

The founder of the Tinkering School, Gever Tulley likes to build things with kids. Gever Tulley uses engaging photos and footage to demonstrate the valuable lessons kids learn at his Tinkering School. When given tools, materials and guidance, these young imaginations run wild and creative (...)

Nobel-winning chemist Kary Mullis unveils a radical new cure (4:32) (Short Presentations)

Drug-resistant bacteria kills, even in top hospitals. But now tough infections like staph and anthrax may be in for a surprise. Nobel-winning chemist Kary Mullis, who watched a friend die when powerful antibiotics failed, unveils a radical new cure that shows extraordinary promise. Kary Mullis (...)

David Hanson: Robots that "show emotion" (4:58) (Short Presentations)

David Hanson’s robot faces look and act like yours: They recognize and respond to emotion, and make expressions of their own. Here, an "emotional" live demo of the Einstein robot offers a peek at a future where robots truly mimic humans.

Dean Ornish on healthy lifestyles that affect our genes (03:13) (Short Presentations)

Dean Ornish shares new research that shows how adopting healthy lifestyle habits can affect a person at a genetic level. For instance, he says, when you live healthier, eat better, exercise, and love more, your brain cells actually increase. Dean Ornish is a clinical professor at UCSF and (...)

Paul Koontz presents a few days in North Korea as a tourist (6:26) (Short Presentations)

While on vacation in Asia in 2007, Paul Koontz got the rare chance to spend a few days in North Korea as a tourist. He brought along his kids and his camera. In this talk, he shares his experiences, from quotidian details to grand spectacle. Paul Koontz was the first VP of marketing at (...)

Jakob Trollback on rethinking the music video (03:57) (Short Presentations)

What would a music video look like if it were directed by the music, purely as an expression of a great song, rather than driven by a filmmaker’s concept? Designer Jakob Trollback shares the results of his experiment in the form.

Jakob Trollback is a pioneering designer, whose work in video and motion graphics has helped define the industry — always pushing the edges of technology and entertainment through design.

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